Tuesday 19 November 2013

Digital Ecosystem: Self Assessment

As a whole, I feel that this project was very successful as we came up with a useful product that was not only original but also solved some common issues that arise on a typical student night out. At present there are no existing alternatives that make use of all the features that we developed and so there is a clear gap in the market. I think that sufficient funding and further development and testing would allow us to create and market an item that would be highly profitable.
As a group, we worked well as we shared out the different roles of a design team and then delivered work on time at every meeting. Using Facebook group chat, we were able to discuss ideas and keep track of each aspect of the project when we weren’t actually with each other. This also helped us to send work to each other and to Leon, who had the task of uploading our content to the shared blog.
The aspects of the project that I believe I performed well in are the concept generation and development and design communication. My use of clear annotated sketches as well as my storyboard and explanation would allow a client to easily understand the features of the product as well as its need and use in the given scenario. I was particularly impressed by how well I managed to direct and film the video as well as how smoothly it went, after assuming it would take a long time and would require several takes and video editing. By explaining my stage directions to the group, I not only made sure that they knew exactly what to do in each scene, but I also developed my team leading skills as I was required to take responsibility of the group and the completion of the video.
I could improve on the professionalism of my work by ensuring that the layout is neat and tidy and is easy to understand without an in depth explanation. This can be achieved by planning ahead and documenting every stage of the project in a logical order. This will be particularly useful during the presentation of my work. I could also improve on my presentation skills such as speaking aloud to a large group of people, making sure that the audience is engaged by not reading off of a screen. It is also important that I don’t repeat any information that I or any other group member has already stated.

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