Tuesday 11 February 2014

Active Forms (Tangible User Interface): Introduction and Brief

For this project I am working in a group with fellow students Simon Smith and Harry Crawford.

The group blog address is http://pdtjhs.wordpress.com/

Different types of exercise require different environments in order for the participant to be comfortable and therefore perform to the best of their ability. For example, vigorous exercise such as aerobics will benefit from a low temperature environment as it will combat the large amount of body heat generated from participants. This will allow them to perform for long periods of time without over-heating. Motivation may also be improved by the presence of fast paced, upbeat music which will encourage participants to exercise to their limits. On the other hand, activities such as yoga will benefit from a slightly warmer temperature as the movements involved are much slower and so do not generate as much body heat. Slower tempo music will also help to provide a relaxing but focused atmosphere.

At present, there is no quick and easy way to control the parameters of a room from a central point; instead the user would have to set up each one individually. The solution to this problem is to create a central system that is controlled by an intuitive Tangible User Interface. This will allow the tuning of all room parameters to the user’s needs simply by moving an object in a certain way.

The aim of this project is therefore to design and create a working prototype of a Tangible User Interface in order to control the environment of an exercise room. The device must be able to be interacted with intuitively through the use of affordances and commonly known gestures. The method of changing the parameters must be logical and relatable to the objective as well as being quick and easy to perform. Physical feedback should be provided in order to inform the user of the changes they have made to the output.

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