Thursday 8 May 2014

Active Forms (Tangible User Interface): Initial Concepts, Development and Final Design

Initial Concepts

I first created a mind map in order to generate ideas regarding the aesthetics of the product, as this would play a key role in its functionality as well as the user interaction.

Using the key words generated by the mind map, in conjunction with the internet, I then gathered various images that would help to inspire my initial concepts and created a mood board to display them.

After much group discussion, I decided that our product was going to be based around the idea of a shell like structure that opened up to reveal a glowing, patterned core which would be used to reflect the user interactions and the changes they had made to the environment of the room. Here are the initial sketches I produced to communicate my thoughts to the other members of the group.

Heavily inspired by lava lamps, these designs incorporated large transparent sections which housed coloured lights surrounded by flowing liquid.I felt that while the use of lights and liquid provided an interesting appearance that could be used to effectively represent an environmental change, the external shell was too rigid and mechanical looking.

Instead, I created some much more organic looking concepts which resemble shelled mollusks.

JOT - Design Development 6

I found the use of segmented sections to be interesting as they could provide a unique way of manipulating the device. They would also allow the light-up section to be revealed through different movements rather than just being hidden or revealed. The texture of the shells gave them a rustic quality that made them look slightly like ornaments.

Here I experimented with external patterns which could be incorporated into the texture of the shell whilst providing visual feedback without having to open the device. Different methods of opening were also explored. These ideas are much more futuristic and unique than the previous ones.

JOT - Design Development 2


After group discussion and review sessions with our lecturer, I then began to develop the ideas and themes I had established.

The following sketches show how the focus was shifted towards the actual mechanical functions whilst refining the appearance.

The use of annotations demonstrates how the concepts are intended to operate and interact with the user. Here I worked on developing the various styles in order to see which held the most value.

These sketches show the development of the organic shell appearance and how the mechanism was developed so that the sections would open up vertically revealing the internal glowing core. This vertical movement would be used to control the brightness of the room Again, the use of external patterns for feedback is shown, whilst also providing a unique texture that is pleasing on the eye.

This sketch shows how I decided to add a tilting action that would be used to control the temperature of the room.

Here is a close up of an un-assembled section of the shell. The transparent piece surrounds a core mounted with an array of LEDs. The mechanism for both the tilting action as well as the increase/ decrease in height would be attached inside this part.

Here is an example of the product after the height has been extended by pulling the sections apart. Notice the estimated inital height of 500mm.

Here are some further explorations with the shape and texture of the product.

JOT - Design Development 3

JOT - Design Development 4


This is a rough prototype I made using cardboard and a plastic tube to visualise an early idea. After group review we decided that the method of interaction wasn't as unique or interesting as the vertical extension and resembled a flower bud too much.

Concept - Neutral 'Resting' Position

Concept - Open 'Vigorous Excercise' Position

This is the prototype of the vertically opening idea that we made out of foam and a cut up plastic bottle.

Prototype - Visual 2

Prototype - Visual 5

CAD Model and Animation

MetaMood - Exploded

MetaMood - Isometric

MetaMood - Red (Hot)

MetaMood - Bending

MetaMood - Bending (Side)

Links to the animations:

Exploded View



These diagrams explain the change in form when the product is interacted with by the user in order to adjust the environment of the room.

Changing the brightness.
Extension Motion - Light Control

Changing the temperature.

JOT - Temp Change 1JOT - Temp Change 2JOT - Temp Change 3

This diagram shows the internal components of the device.

JOT - Internal Layout 1

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